
Below are references to (most of) my publications, not including patents or patent applications. Most of these are easily available online with a little search, but contact me if you can't find one for which I say the full PDF is available. A few are (still) behind a pay wall, which unfortunately I don't control. A few others (mostly poster abstracts) are not easily available, although with some effort, I or my co-authors could dig them up. As most of these lost abstracts represented early work or prototypes of long-dead projects, it's probably moot that they're no longer easily available. Finally, getting my PhD thesis in PDF format was an interesting exercise in fighting bit rot. Mary Baker, you were right...

Kayis, E., Khaniyev, T.T., Suermondt, J., Sylvester, K. (2015). A Robust Estimation Model for Surgery Durations with Temporal, Operational, and Surgery Team Effects. Health Care Management Science, 18(3), 222-233. (full PDF available)

Pageler, N.M., Longhurst, C.A., Wood, M., Cornfield, D.N., Suermondt, J., Sharek, P.J., Franzon, D. (2014). Use of Electronic Medical Record–Enhanced Checklist and Electronic Dashboard to Decrease CLABSIs. Pediatrics, 133(3), e738-e746. (full PDF available)

Basu, S., Karp, AH, Jun Li, James Pruyne, Jerry Rolia, Sharad Singhal, Jaap Suermondt,,and  Ram Swaminathan (2012)  Fusion: Managing Healthcare Records at Cloud Scale, IEEE Computer, 45 (11), November 2012, 42-49. (full PDF available)

Kayis, E., Wang, H., Patel, M., Gonzalez, T., Jain, S., Longhurst, C., Ramamurthi, R.J., Santos, C., Singhal, S., Suermondt, J., and Sylvester, K. (2012). Improving Prediction of Surgery Duration using Operational and Temporal Factors. Proc AMIA 2012: Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association, Chicago, IL, 2012, 456-62. (full PDF available)

Wang, H., Kayis, E., Patel, M., Santos, C., Gonzalez, T., Jain, S., Singhal, S., Ramamurthi, R.J., Suermondt, J., and Sylvester, K. (2012). An Integrated Next-Day Operating Room Scheduling System. AMIA 2012: Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association, Chicago, IL, USA (poster abstract - not easily available)

Suermondt J, Singhal S, Balazova D, Ellingstad P, Kirby G, Mamtani N, Pageler N, Longhurst C, DeCesare P, Cornfield D, Sharek P, and Franzon D. A Patient Safety Dashboard Dramatically Improves Patient Care. HP Tech Con 2012. (full PDF available)

Kirshenbaum, E., Suermondt, J., Pageler, N., Longhurst, C., Wayne, J., Godin, M., Shin, A., Franzon, D. (2012). Enabling Clinicians to Directly Deploy Clinical Logic in a Patient Safety Dashboard. AMIA 2012: Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association, Chicago, IL, USA (poster abstract - not easily available)

Kogelnik, AM, Sharek, PJ, Longhurst, C, Suermondt, J, & Butte, AJ (2009). Automated Risk Assessment for Prediction of Pediatric Adverse Events. AMIA 2009: Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association, November 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA (poster abstract - not easily available)

Forman GH, Eshghi K, and Suermondt J. Efficient Detection of Large Scale Redundancy in Enterprise File Systems. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 43 (1), 2009, 84-91. (full PDF available)

Suermondt, J, Ohno-Machado, L, Evans, RS (Eds.), AMIA 2008 Annual Symposium Proceedings, Biomedical and Health Informatics: From Foundations to Applications to Policy, Washington DC: American Medical Informatics Association, 2008. (full PDF available)

Teich, JM, Suermondt, J, Hripcsak, G (Eds.) AMIA 2007 Annual Symposium Proceedings, Biomedical and Health Informatics: From Foundations to Applications to Policy, Chicago, IL: American Medical Informatics Association, 2007. (full PDF available)

Forman, GH, Kirshenbaum, ER, and Suermondt, HJ.  Pragmatic Text Mining: Minimizing Human Effort to Quantify Many Issues in Call Logs.  Proceedings KDD'06.  Philadelphia, PA: ACM, 2006. (full PDF available)

Wilkes, John, Mogul, Jeff, and Suermondt, Jaap. Utilification. Proc. 11th ACM SIGOPS European WS. Leuven, Belgium: ACM, 2004. (full PDF available)

Kirshenbaum, Evan, and Suermondt, HJ. Using Genetic Programming to Obtain a Closed-Form Approximation to a Recursive Function. In Deb, K. et al, Eds., Proc. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO 2004. Seattle, Washington: Springer, 2004, pp. 543-556. DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-24855-2_64. (full PDF available)

Cornwell, P, Suermondt, J, Forman, G, Kirshenbaum, E, and Seetharaman, A, Practical Optimization Considerations for Diagnostic Knowledge Representation. AAAI Symposium: AI in Equipment Maintenance Service and Support, March 1999. (full PDF available)

Mohr DN, Carpenter PC, Claus PC, Fisk T, Goodnature DJ, Hagen P, Halloran MJ, Higgins MC, Suermondt HJ, VanScoy R, Young CY. The development of a modular, component-based, electronic medical record system. Proc HIMSS '97. San Diego, CA: HIMSS, 1997, 1:33-43. (not easily available)

Elkin, PL, Mohr, DN, Tuttle, MS, Cole, WG, Atkin, GE, Keck, K, Fisk, TB, Kaihoi, BH, Lee, KE, Higgins, MC, Suermondt, HJ, Olson, N, Claus, PL, Carpenter, PC, Chute, CG. Standardized problem list generation, utilizing the Mayo canonical vocabulary embedded within the Unified Medical Language System. In Masys, DR, Ed., Proceedings of the 1997 AMIA Annual Fall Symposium, 1997, 500-504. (full PDF available)

Henrion, M, Suermondt, HJ, and Heckerman, D. Probabilistic and Bayesian Representations of Uncertainty in Information Systems: A Pragmatic Introduction. In Motro, A, and Smets, P, Eds., Uncertainty Management in Information Systems. Boston: Springer, 1997, 255-284. (full PDF available)

Suermondt, HJ. Decision Support Systems. In Van Bemmel, J, McCray, A, Eds., Yearbook of Medical Informatics 96. Berlin: Schattauer, 1996, pp 367-370. (full PDF available)

Rotman, BL, Sullivan, AN, McDonald, TW, Brown, BW, DeSmedt, P, Goodnature, D, Higgins, MC, Suermondt, HJ, Young, C, and Owens, DK. A randomized controlled trial of a computer-based physician workstation in an outpatient setting: implementation barriers to outcome evaluation. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 3 (1996) 340-348 (full PDF available)

Rotman BL, Sullivan AN, McDonald T, De Smedt P, Goodnature D, Higgins MC, Suermondt HJ, Young C, Owens DK. A randomized evaluation of a computer-based physician's workstation: Design considerations and baseline results. In Gardner, RM, Ed., 19th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, New Orleans, LA. Philadephia: Hanley and Belfus, 1995, 693-697. (full PDF available)

Tang PC; Annevelink J; Suermondt HJ; Young CY. Semantic integration of information in a physician's workstation. International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing, 1994 Feb, 35(1):47-60. (full PDF available)

Rotman BL, McDonald TW, Suermondt HJ, De Smedt P, Strong PC, Young CY, Owens DK. Computer-based detection of drug interactions in an ambulatory care practice. Medical Decision Making 14 (1994): 440 (behind pay wall)

Druzdzel, MJ, and Suermondt, HJ. Relevance in Probabilistic Models: "Backyards" in a "Small World". In Greiner, R. and Subramanian, D., Eds., Proc. AAAI Fall Symposium on Relevance. New Orleans, Louisiana: American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 1994, 60-63. (full PDF available)

Pham, TQ, Young, CY, Tang, PC, Suermondt, HJ, Annevelink, J. Implementing a Physician's Workstation using Client/Server Technology and the Distributed Computing Environment. In Ozbolt, JG, Ed., 18th Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. Philadelphia: Hanley and Belfus, 1994, 626-630. (full PDF available)

Suermondt, HJ, Tang, PC, Strong, PC, Young, CY and Annevelink, J, Automated Identification of Relevant Patient Information in a Physician's Workstation, In: Safran, C., Ed., Proceedings of the Seventeenth Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care 1993, 229-232. (full PDF available)

Suermondt HJ and Cooper GF. An evaluation of explanations of probabilistic inference. Computers and Biomedical Research, 26: 242-254, 1993. (full PDF available)

Suermondt HJ and Cooper GF. An evaluation of explanations of probabilistic inference.  Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Baltimore, MD, 579-85, 1992 (full PDF available)

Suermondt HJ. Explanation in Bayesian Belief Networks. Ph.D. Thesis, Departments of Medicine and Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1992. (full PDF available)

Suermondt HJ, Howard SK, Gaba DM, Cooper GF, The role of explanation on the effects of decision support on diagnostic accuracy. Anesthesiology 76: A560, 1992. (full PDF available)

Suermondt, HJ, Cooper GF, and Heckerman DE. A combination of cutset conditioning with clique-tree propagation in the Pathfinder system. In Bonissone PP, Henrion M, Kanal LN, Lemmer JF, eds., Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 6. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1991, pp 245-253. (full PDF available)

Suermondt HJ and Cooper GF. A combination of exact algorithms for inference on Bayesian belief networks. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 5: 521-542, 1991. (full PDF available)

Suermondt HJ and Cooper GF. Probabilistic Inference in Multiply Connected Brief Networks Using Loop Cutsets. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 4: 283-306, 1990. (full PDF available)

Suermondt HJ and Cooper GF. Initialization for the method of conditioning in Bayesian belief networks. Artificial Intelligence 50: 83-94, 1989. (full PDF available)

Horvitz, EJ, Suermondt, HJ, Cooper GF. Bounded conditioning: Flexible Inference for Decisions under Scarce Resources. Fifth Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Windsor, Ontario, 182-193. 1989. (full PDF available)

Suermondt, HJ and Amylon, MD. Probabilistic Prediction of the Outcome of Bone-Marrow Transplantation. Thirteenth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Washington, D.C., 208-212. 1989. (full PDF available)

Chavez, RM, Beinlich, IA, and Suermondt HJ. The ALARM Monitor and the Bone-Marrow Transplant Therapy Advisor: A Demonstration of Two Probabilistic Expert Systems in KNET. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1989 Nov 8 : 953 (full PDF available)

Beinlich IA, Suermondt HJ, Chavez RM, and Cooper GF. The ALARM Monitoring System: A Case Study with Two Probabilistic Inference Techniques for Belief Networks. Second European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, London, 38:247-256. 1989. (full PDF available)

Suermondt, HJ and Cooper, GF. Updating probabilities in multiply connected belief networks. In: Fourth Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Minneapolis, MN, 1988, 335-343. (full PDF available)