Personal Interests

A few personal interests and tidbits

Tbh, if I kicked that bucket today, I'm quite happy with what I've seen, done, and had the privilege to experience, and all the amazing times and opportunities I've had. 

And I really, really like my back yard and home state. Almost any time I go anywhere else, it is always so nice to come home -- what friends long ago dubbed a California appreciation trip. I like my hummingbirds and citrus trees, and the people and climate (in every sense) and everything else that is bountiful here.

For complicated reasons, I am currently living the Eagles song:  "Welcome to the Hotel California - Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place) ... "Relax," said the night man -- "We are programmed to receive -- You can check-out any time you like -- But you can never leave!"

My last trip outside California was just as COVID was blowing up, over two years ago (it's a long story), to New Zealand. I do sometimes miss my quarterly Israel trips and occasional ones to the UK, India, Russia, Australia, or Korea, or family visits to my native Netherlands or other places in Europe.  But I definitely don't envy my friends/colleagues who pepper their social media accounts with their almost weekly work trips to far-away places to go give a talk or serve on an advisory board (despite their enviable stays in various polaris lounges and the front of the plane).

So yeah. In the foreseeable future I'll be staying at home, so come visit here instead.