
These days I live the proverbial life of leisure, having graduated to being what my friend Henry calls a "Tech elder." I like giving people feedback and advice, and helping them get stuff done.

My last full-time job was at Stanford, at the School of Medicine in the Department of Biomedical Data Science, where I managed the Biomedical Informatics program. I also spent a lot of my time in the startup ecosystem, including at Plug and Play where I heard a ton of pitches as an Executive in Residence and got my training wheels as full-time advisor/mentor for startups. Finally, I have a strong interest in Population Health Sciences (but thanks to recent events, everyone's an amateur epidemiologist these days - who would have thought?) and loved working with the awesome team at Stanford in that space. 

I got my BS in Mathematical and Computational Science and my PhD in Medical Informatics from Stanford (working on AI and probabilistic systems), and then spent many years in enterprise R&D, most notably as a researcher, manager, and executive at HP/HPE/Hewlett-Packard Labs. I posted links to a few of the open source projects, videos (lesson learned: corporations eventually pull their YouTube content, so most of them are gone a few years later), and talks to get a sense of what I have worked on. 

You can also check me out on LinkedIn and I'm @hjs on twitter