
Reading list

Some of this I put together for Max originally, but I keep adding to it. Obvious disclaimer: Your mileage may vary with book recommendations ⏤ I'm different from you, and my tastes are obviously mine. So read GoodReads reviews etc. if you're not sure.

About California:

About startups and business

About medicine and informatics

Philosophical / Psychological

Miscellaneous "serious" fiction

This is the 5-star serious books list; i.e., books that I didn't just love, but that I also think should qualify for major literary awards (and that usually received them). So while I loved pretty much everything by David Sedaris, Kristin Hannah, Roald Dahl, Lois McMaster Bujold, John Scalzi, Sarah Maas, Neal Stephenson, Astrid Lindgren and numerous others, they're not on this list.