
So yeah, one of my out-of-proportion interests is music. I know back in our teen or young adult years, that was true for pretty much everyone, but I'm one of those people who never grew out of it. And I love discovering new music I like, seeing emerging or recently emerged artists, and sharing that with friends.

At least once a year towards the end of the year, I share a compilation of some of the songs I discovered and liked. Please check out this collection of playlists, including editorial comments, if you are interested (yes, you can learn a lot about a person by looking at their books or music). My playlists used to be "mix tapes," roughly the length of an album (i.e., maybe 10-20 songs) but once I lost the natural constraint of a 90-minute tape or a 74-minute (650MB) CD my playlists got longer. MUCH longer. 

A few more tidbits on this obsession:

Key disclaimers: