

Repost from my old blog, with minor edits - originally posted 8/21/2004 9:16 pm

On Day 2 of the Olympics, I decided that I was going to boycott the Olympics this year, after the horrible coverage by NBC of the opening ceremony. So I had a rant all ready in my head:

Anyway, I could keep going for a while. Bottom line is, I was all ready to be pissed off (after just the opening ceremony). And for a while, I stuck with it. I actually ended up watching more of the playoffs leading up to the Little League World Series than of the Olympics during those first few days.

And then I got over it, and I got into it. I think it was partially because of Phelps. And because I ended up watching some weird cool sports. Like shotput from Olympia. I even got over Bob Costas on NBC - he’s OK, and I even liked some of those human interest stories (despite ranting about them earlier). And of course the Greeks - they are doing an amazing job, and it all feels pretty right.

So no more Little League World Series for me. I’m even skipping the Giants for a few days. Rah rah. And by the way, wasn’t that a nice positive way of still ranting without seeming too bitter?